Monday, May 5, 2008

Health Stuff You Do (without ever realising it)

(Source: Cleo Magazine Issue Mar 2008)

The Morning Stretch

You open your eyes, sit up and stretch your arms when waking up. Stretching loosens the back and shoulder muscles, and "wakes" your nervous system, boosting circulation and sharpening reflexes.

The Rubdown

You bump your knee on a table and instinctively massage the spot. Touch sensations travel faster, so the massage prevents the full-on "Ouch" message from getting through.

The Yawn

A study from the State University of New York says your brain burns up a third of the calories you take in, which generates a lot of heat, but a yawn fills your lungs with air and cools the blood going to your head, helping improve your concentration!

The Carb-craving

Having a craving for pasta may just be your body's way of cheering you up. Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology shows eating carbs temporarily increases levels of serotonin-a brain chemical that lifts one's mood.

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