Friday, April 18, 2008

Tip of the day

I found this useful tip online from:

What Your Colon Has to Say About Sweets

The next time your sweet tooth sends out peanut-butter-cookie signals, stave off the sugar rush and reach for a spoonful of all-natural peanut butter instead.

Why? Your colon will thank you. Ditching cookies and other sugar-laden refined carbs may mean less risk of colon cancer.

Ratchet Up the Risk
Research shows that eating a diet rife with sucrose (the stuff found in your sugar bowl and most candies and sweets) and other high-glycemic-index items can increase your risk of colon cancer. But candies aren't the only place you'll find sucrose. Check the labels on salad dressings, spaghetti sauces, and condiments, too. (Ketchup has 4 grams per tablespoon!)

Better Choices
So, what should you eat instead to keep your colon happy and healthy? It's simple.

Go for whole grains. Study after study shows that more high-fiber whole grains equal better colon health.

Be picky about protein. Opt for fish, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, tofu, and legumes over processed meats and cold cuts -- which are linked to colon cancer.

Drink your milk -- or eat yogurt, if you prefer. The calcium and vitamin D in dairy products have a protective effect.

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