Sunday, June 7, 2009

Key Muscle Group for Great Knees

If your knees bother you when you bend ’em, here’s a natural way to help ease the pain: Get strong quads.

Research shows that strengthening these key leg muscles can actually help you maintain your cartilage -- the stuff that tends to break down as arthritis sets in. The result? Less knee pain.

Strengthen and Save
In a study of people suffering from knee osteoarthritis, having strong quadriceps protected against cartilage loss at a certain area of the knee called the lateral compartment of the patellofemoral joint. Quad strength didn’t seem to help cartilage in other important areas of the knee. Still, people with the strongest quads reported less knee pain and better physical function than people with the least strength in this muscle. Know what else is great for knees? Walking backward.

Knee-Friendly Foods
Want some med-free ways to preserve your joints? Look in your fridge: Take this quick quiz to get feedback on the condition of your knees and which symptoms you should watch out for.


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